zaterdag 31 juli 2010

Semester schedule

week1.2 [36]
excursion|site + program analysis + small design exercise

mo 06.09.10
>Site+program analysis+small design exercise

thu 09.09.10
>Excursion Groningen
12:15 Gather in CS Groningen
12:30 Dienst RO/EZ Gemeente Groningen
14:00 Visit Site
16:00 Visit Oosterpoort and de Linie

week 1.3 [37]
site+program analysis |first ideas masterplan

mo 13.09.10
>Presentation Analysis
Duration: 15 min each group
-Material to be presented: Free to decide
-Focus the analysis only on the aspects of Groningen you consider important for our site.
-See what you can take from the workshop
>Delivery of Workshop Booklets
Format | A5
Contents | Process and conclusions of the whole week

thu 16.09.10 
>First ideas design concept. Model 1:500, facts and figures

Arch. Design| t.b.a.

week 1.4 [38]
first design concept|first concept masterplanconcept

mo 20.09.10
>Work out first design concept
Corrections groups individually

thu 23.09.10
>Presentation first concept masterplan
time for defining masterplan finishes this week!
25 min each group
-Material to be presented
Model 1: 500
Powerpoint (or similar), no prints

Arch. Design| t.b.a.

week 1.5 [39]
first ideas zoom in

mo 27.09.10
>Zoom In
Tutors propose an area to zoom in for each group.
This zoom in  will not be defined beforehand to avoid groups focus on one spot of the site only

tue 28.09.10 
>Master Class “Floor Plans on Housing” in collaboration with Studio Living+ | The Mega Way of Life

thu 30.09.10
Presentation first ideas >
-Duration: 15 min each group

Arch. Design| t.b.a.

week 1.6 [40]

definitive zoom in 

mo 04.10.10
> Work out first ideas Zoom In
Corrections groups individually

thu 07.10.10
> Presentation definitive Zoom In
this is the last presentation before the midterm review so try to touch all the scales that are asked for.
15 min each group

Arch. Design| t.b.a.

week 1.7 [41]
midterm review

mo 11.10.10
>Work out midterm review
Corrections groups individually

thu 14.10.10 midterm review
With visiting critics

Format of presentations

> Models

> 2 panels - A0 size (portrait),competition style

> PowerPoint (or similar) presentation, maximum 10 minutes, showing your strategy and idea about Living SML on the scale of the neighbourhood, in between space, blocks and the individual dwellings and the connection of LIVING with WORKING and GREEN

Contents of presentation

>Definition Masterplan Model 1:500
Situation drawing 1:1000

>Definition Zoom in Model 1:200
Plans 1:200
Sections + elevations 1:200
Dwelling typologies 1: 100

>Additionally you are requested to bring ALL sketch models made so far!

During this second half of the semester, every group will have one day dedicated to building technology and another to design.

Material to be prepared for building technology will be further explained by the specific teacher.

week [42-44]
intermediate weeks | tentamens

week 2.1 [45]
typologies 1:50

mo 08.11.10
Work out typologies. Floorplans and sections 1:50
>building technology   

thu 11.11.10
Work out typologies. Floorplans and sections 1:50
>building technology

Arch. Design | t.b.a.

week 2.2 [46]
finishing typologies

mo 15.11.09
Work out typologies. Model 1:50.
>building technology

thu 18.11.10
Work out typologies. Model 1:50.
>building technology

Arch. Design | Somers/de Ruyter

week 2.3 [47]
materialisation of buildings

mo 22.11.10

Materialisation. First details and impressions about materials 1:20
>building technology

thu 25.11.10

Materialisation. First details and impressions about materials 1:20
>building technology

Arch. Design | t.b.a.

week 2.4 [48]
materialisation of in between spaces

mo 29.11.10
Materialisation. First details and first impressions about material and urbanisation of in between space: lightning, furniture, pavements, etc 1:50, 1:20
>building technology

thu 02.12.10
>building technology
Details 1:50/20

week 2.5 [49]

mo 06.12.10

>building technology
Details 1:10

thu 09.12.10

>building technology
Details 1:10

Arch. Design | t.b.a.

week 2.6 [50]
prefinal presentation

mo 13.12.10 
>design: final questions
>building technology: final questions

thu 16.12.10: prefinal presentation
.Prints of the four panels,in layout, with all the information asked for the final presentation. Presentation models can be made during X-mas holidays.

Arch. Design | t.b.a.

week [51-52]
Christmas holidays

week 2.7 [1]

preparation final presentation | presentation models

mo 03.01.11 

>building technology

thu 06.01.11

>building technology

Arch. Design | t.b.a.

week 2.8 [2]final presentations

thu 13.01.11 final presentations

Whole day with visiting critics

4 panels - A0 size (portrait) a competition format
PowerPoint presentation, maximum 10 minutes

Concept [1: 500]
Clear conceptual masterplan model from midterm review 1: 500 (set into common site model)
Concept diagrams, models, collages, etc (showing your strategy and ideas about Living SML on the scales of
neighbourhood, public space, blocks and the individual dwellings)

Site [1: 1000]
Urban analysis
Situation drawing

Design [1: 200/ 1: 100]
Model(s) 1: 100

Units [1: 50]
Models including the façade

Building technology [1: 20 / 1: 5]
Diagrams showing your ideas on circulation, construction, installation and façade
Technical section through the façade in scale 1: 20
Details scale 1: 5

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