week1.2 [36]
excursion|site + program analysis + small design exercise
mo 06.09.10
>Site+program analysis+small design exercise
thu 09.09.10
>Excursion Groningen
12:15 Gather in CS Groningen
12:30 Dienst RO/EZ Gemeente Groningen
14:00 Visit Site
16:00 Visit Oosterpoort and de Linie
week 1.3 [37]
site+program analysis |first ideas masterplan
mo 13.09.10
>Presentation Analysis
Duration: 15 min each group
-Material to be presented: Free to decide
-Focus the analysis only on the aspects of Groningen you consider important for our site.
-See what you can take from the workshop
>Delivery of Workshop Booklets
Format | A5
Contents | Process and conclusions of the whole week
thu 16.09.10
>First ideas design concept. Model 1:500, facts and figures
Arch. Design| t.b.a.
week 1.4 [38]
first design concept|first concept masterplanconcept
mo 20.09.10
>Work out first design concept
Corrections groups individually
thu 23.09.10
>Presentation first concept masterplan
time for defining masterplan finishes this week!
25 min each group
-Material to be presented
Model 1: 500
Powerpoint (or similar), no prints
Arch. Design| t.b.a.
week 1.5 [39]
first ideas zoom in
mo 27.09.10
>Zoom In
Tutors propose an area to zoom in for each group.
This zoom in will not be defined beforehand to avoid groups focus on one spot of the site only
tue 28.09.10
>Master Class “Floor Plans on Housing” in collaboration with Studio Living+ | The Mega Way of Life
thu 30.09.10
Presentation first ideas >
-Duration: 15 min each group
Arch. Design| t.b.a.
week 1.6 [40]
definitive zoom in
mo 04.10.10
> Work out first ideas Zoom In
Corrections groups individually
thu 07.10.10
> Presentation definitive Zoom In
this is the last presentation before the midterm review so try to touch all the scales that are asked for.
15 min each group
Arch. Design| t.b.a.
week 1.7 [41]
midterm review
mo 11.10.10
>Work out midterm review
Corrections groups individually
thu 14.10.10 midterm review
With visiting critics
Format of presentations
> Models
> 2 panels - A0 size (portrait),competition style
> PowerPoint (or similar) presentation, maximum 10 minutes, showing your strategy and idea about Living SML on the scale of the neighbourhood, in between space, blocks and the individual dwellings and the connection of LIVING with WORKING and GREEN
Contents of presentation
>Definition Masterplan Model 1:500
Situation drawing 1:1000
>Definition Zoom in Model 1:200
Plans 1:200
Sections + elevations 1:200
Dwelling typologies 1: 100
>Additionally you are requested to bring ALL sketch models made so far!
During this second half of the semester, every group will have one day dedicated to building technology and another to design.
Material to be prepared for building technology will be further explained by the specific teacher.
week [42-44]
intermediate weeks | tentamens
week 2.1 [45]
typologies 1:50
mo 08.11.10
Work out typologies. Floorplans and sections 1:50
>building technology
thu 11.11.10
Work out typologies. Floorplans and sections 1:50
>building technology
Arch. Design | t.b.a.
week 2.2 [46]
finishing typologies
mo 15.11.09
Work out typologies. Model 1:50.
>building technology
thu 18.11.10
Work out typologies. Model 1:50.
>building technology
Arch. Design | Somers/de Ruyter
week 2.3 [47]
materialisation of buildings
mo 22.11.10
Materialisation. First details and impressions about materials 1:20
>building technology
thu 25.11.10
Materialisation. First details and impressions about materials 1:20
>building technology
Arch. Design | t.b.a.
week 2.4 [48]
materialisation of in between spaces
mo 29.11.10
Materialisation. First details and first impressions about material and urbanisation of in between space: lightning, furniture, pavements, etc 1:50, 1:20
>building technology
thu 02.12.10
>building technology
Details 1:50/20
week 2.5 [49]
mo 06.12.10
>building technology
Details 1:10
thu 09.12.10
>building technology
Details 1:10
Arch. Design | t.b.a.
week 2.6 [50]
prefinal presentation
mo 13.12.10
>design: final questions
>building technology: final questions
thu 16.12.10: prefinal presentation
.Prints of the four panels,in layout, with all the information asked for the final presentation. Presentation models can be made during X-mas holidays.
Arch. Design | t.b.a.
week [51-52]
Christmas holidays
week 2.7 [1]
preparation final presentation | presentation models
mo 03.01.11
>building technology
thu 06.01.11
>building technology
Arch. Design | t.b.a.
week 2.8 [2]final presentations
thu 13.01.11 final presentations
Whole day with visiting critics
4 panels - A0 size (portrait) a competition format
PowerPoint presentation, maximum 10 minutes
Concept [1: 500]
Clear conceptual masterplan model from midterm review 1: 500 (set into common site model)
Concept diagrams, models, collages, etc (showing your strategy and ideas about Living SML on the scales of
neighbourhood, public space, blocks and the individual dwellings)
Site [1: 1000]
Urban analysis
Situation drawing
Design [1: 200/ 1: 100]
Model(s) 1: 100
Units [1: 50]
Models including the façade
Building technology [1: 20 / 1: 5]
Diagrams showing your ideas on circulation, construction, installation and façade
Technical section through the façade in scale 1: 20
Details scale 1: 5
zaterdag 31 juli 2010
week 1: workshop
The introductory week is the kick off for the design assignment. During this semester we will develop a living environment located in a rich green area.
Issues to be solved are how to integrate parking and green in this area and how to integrate working functions in the living neighbourhood.
The goals of this workshop
1. Theme research on ideas of mixing functions; LIVING+WORKING+GREEN+PARKING
2. Research on the different values of LIVING+WORKING+GREEN+PARKING in relation with scales Small, Medium and Large.
3. Research on the possibilities of LIVING+WORKING+GREEN+PARKING to enhance the living quality
4. To learn from other approaches, design methods and ways of representing an idea
5. To investigate the transition from public to private
6. To analyse the site and relate the results to the theme research
7. First exercises working on building mass proposals to get a feeling for the scale and possibilities of the site
Find texts and images connected to the theme.
Develop the concept of the mix LIVING+WORKING+GREEN+PARKING
Pay attention to the transition from public to private on the S, M and L scales.
Groups: 2-3 students as in the design assignment throughout the semester. In order to achieve these goals, the workshop has a tight schedule for presentations & discussion and working in small groups. Furthermore, specific products will have to be developed. Students are asked to present material to allow everybody to learn from each others work and use this as input. The introductory week is similar to the starting work of a competition. The main goals and the strategy are defined.
The result of the introductory week is the starting point for the design project.
In order to prepare material for the semester, we will mainly work with GREEN+WORKING+PARKING as topics.
With GREEN we don’t mean the colour only, but all the natural resources to provide a livable environment.
LIVING + WORKING + GREEN is the main theme of our project and parking should be related to it [enable green living]. How can we integrate the demanded amount of parking in a green and enjoyable neighbourhood?
The introductory week will be divided in two parts:
>First half | mon 30.08.10 - tue 31.08.10
Choose a function to mix with the housing assignment
Research on relationship between living and the chosen function
Research on the mixing of functions with the different scales
S, M. and L
Material to present per group: statement plus model (mo); research plus model (tue);
>Second half | wed 01.09.10 - thu 02.09.10
Material to present: site analysis per topic, per group
day 1 | 30.08.2010
14h00-14h30 Pierijn van der Putt: Introductory on the Chair of Dwelling and its two MSc1 studios
14h30-15h00 Robbert Guis: Group lists
15h00 Start Studios Living+ and SML, locations t.b.a.
15h00-18h30 Find fascination and inspiration for research and teaming up in groups
Product: conceptual model
day 2 | 31.08.2010
09h00-20h30 Working out concepts
Further development of research, refining conceptual research model and reading texts
day 3 | 01.09.2010
09h00-10h30 PRESENTATIONS research and concept models LIVING+ WORKING + GREEN + PARKING
110h30-11h00 Introduction on site analysis
11h00-21h30 Working on site analysis (workload subdivided in groups)
14h00-15h00 Introduction Building Technology Dwelling
day 4 | 02.09.2010
09h00-16h00 Preparing presentations site analysis per topic
16h00-17h30 FINAL PRESENTATIONS site analysis per topic
Each group has to present their part of the site analysis and relate their topic to their earlier presented research and concept models
The presentation should be a summary of the whole introductory week, not only the second half!
17h30-18h00 Final assignment: group and building mass proposals to get a feeling for the scale and possibilities of the site. Presentation of this assignment: Monday 6 september ( from 13h45)
day 5 | 03.09.2010
09h00-18h00 Further site visit preparations per group and further ellaboration of final assignment
nb. Workshop booklets A4 landscape format to be delivered Monday 13 september containing the whole workshop week.
The introductory week is the kick off for the design assignment. During this semester we will develop a living environment located in a rich green area.
Issues to be solved are how to integrate parking and green in this area and how to integrate working functions in the living neighbourhood.
The goals of this workshop
1. Theme research on ideas of mixing functions; LIVING+WORKING+GREEN+PARKING
2. Research on the different values of LIVING+WORKING+GREEN+PARKING in relation with scales Small, Medium and Large.
3. Research on the possibilities of LIVING+WORKING+GREEN+PARKING to enhance the living quality
4. To learn from other approaches, design methods and ways of representing an idea
5. To investigate the transition from public to private
6. To analyse the site and relate the results to the theme research
7. First exercises working on building mass proposals to get a feeling for the scale and possibilities of the site
Find texts and images connected to the theme.
Develop the concept of the mix LIVING+WORKING+GREEN+PARKING
Pay attention to the transition from public to private on the S, M and L scales.
Groups: 2-3 students as in the design assignment throughout the semester. In order to achieve these goals, the workshop has a tight schedule for presentations & discussion and working in small groups. Furthermore, specific products will have to be developed. Students are asked to present material to allow everybody to learn from each others work and use this as input. The introductory week is similar to the starting work of a competition. The main goals and the strategy are defined.
The result of the introductory week is the starting point for the design project.
In order to prepare material for the semester, we will mainly work with GREEN+WORKING+PARKING as topics.
With GREEN we don’t mean the colour only, but all the natural resources to provide a livable environment.
LIVING + WORKING + GREEN is the main theme of our project and parking should be related to it [enable green living]. How can we integrate the demanded amount of parking in a green and enjoyable neighbourhood?
The introductory week will be divided in two parts:
>First half | mon 30.08.10 - tue 31.08.10
Choose a function to mix with the housing assignment
Research on relationship between living and the chosen function
Research on the mixing of functions with the different scales
S, M. and L
Material to present per group: statement plus model (mo); research plus model (tue);
>Second half | wed 01.09.10 - thu 02.09.10
Material to present: site analysis per topic, per group
day 1 | 30.08.2010
14h00-14h30 Pierijn van der Putt: Introductory on the Chair of Dwelling and its two MSc1 studios
14h30-15h00 Robbert Guis: Group lists
15h00 Start Studios Living+ and SML, locations t.b.a.
15h00-18h30 Find fascination and inspiration for research and teaming up in groups
Product: conceptual model
day 2 | 31.08.2010
09h00-20h30 Working out concepts
Further development of research, refining conceptual research model and reading texts
day 3 | 01.09.2010
09h00-10h30 PRESENTATIONS research and concept models LIVING+ WORKING + GREEN + PARKING
110h30-11h00 Introduction on site analysis
11h00-21h30 Working on site analysis (workload subdivided in groups)
14h00-15h00 Introduction Building Technology Dwelling
day 4 | 02.09.2010
09h00-16h00 Preparing presentations site analysis per topic
16h00-17h30 FINAL PRESENTATIONS site analysis per topic
Each group has to present their part of the site analysis and relate their topic to their earlier presented research and concept models
The presentation should be a summary of the whole introductory week, not only the second half!
17h30-18h00 Final assignment: group and building mass proposals to get a feeling for the scale and possibilities of the site. Presentation of this assignment: Monday 6 september ( from 13h45)
day 5 | 03.09.2010
09h00-18h00 Further site visit preparations per group and further ellaboration of final assignment
nb. Workshop booklets A4 landscape format to be delivered Monday 13 september containing the whole workshop week.
Project assignment
During the whole course of the semester, you will work together in the same group of 2-3 students to present one joint project proposal. In order to mix regular TU Delft students, TU Delft students coming from HTO, and exchange students of various nationalities, we aim for mixed groups from the very beginning of the project.
Site model
We already have a site model available, as built in last semester’s SML studio. We will use our time in the introductory week to both study the context of the enceha1 site and do first exercises working on building mass proposals to get a feeling for the scale and possibilities of the site before actually going there in week 2.
The assignment for our Studio SML will be to develop a Living+ environment, where LIVING is connected to the themes WORKING, GREEN and PARKING, on all building scales S, M and L. The product will be a masterplan of the neighbourhood scale 1: 500 where buildings, car park facilities and public space are defined -as well as several S, M and L buildings (chosen by the tutors together with each group) and housing typologies (scale 1: 50) accordingly. The emphasis is on developing new housing typologies, related to the three themes as mentioned above. The buildings will be presented in their cohesion as an ensemble and in detail (scale 1: 20 and 1: 5).
FSI >= 1
LIVING: primarily
>dwellings for families and couples, 2-5 (bed)rooms, spacious living area, good storage facilities and private outdoor space in various segments; typologies varying from 90 to 180 m2; ground bound or similar.
LIVING: furthermore
>dwellings for singles, 2-4 (bed)rooms, spacious living area, good storage facilities and private outdoor space in middle and top segment; typologies varying from 60 to 100 m2; both ground bound or similar and apartments.
>dwellings for ‘starters’ on the housing market; cheaper segment; typologies varying from 40 to 60 m2; apartments only.
LIVING and WORKING: along the highway (profile location / ‘zichtlocatie’)
>working premises / commercial space; flexible units, proper accessibility; preferably combined with dwelling area
Car park facilities and ratios
>ground bound dwellings: 1.1 pp / dwelling + 0,3 pp visitors
>apartments <70m2: 1.0 pp / dwelling + 0,3 pp visitors
LIVING and GREEN: public space and landscape in a sustainable neighbourhood
The INTERMEDIATE SPACE between the blocks is a key feature of our assignment. The transition public > collective > private and vice versa demands thorough studies and special care throughout the semester!
It is our intention to exhibit the results in the RO/EZ of Groningen in collaboration with the municipality of Groningen shortly after the final presentations in January 2011, along with the results of studio SML, spring 2010.
During the whole course of the semester, you will work together in the same group of 2-3 students to present one joint project proposal. In order to mix regular TU Delft students, TU Delft students coming from HTO, and exchange students of various nationalities, we aim for mixed groups from the very beginning of the project.
Site model
We already have a site model available, as built in last semester’s SML studio. We will use our time in the introductory week to both study the context of the enceha1 site and do first exercises working on building mass proposals to get a feeling for the scale and possibilities of the site before actually going there in week 2.
The assignment for our Studio SML will be to develop a Living+ environment, where LIVING is connected to the themes WORKING, GREEN and PARKING, on all building scales S, M and L. The product will be a masterplan of the neighbourhood scale 1: 500 where buildings, car park facilities and public space are defined -as well as several S, M and L buildings (chosen by the tutors together with each group) and housing typologies (scale 1: 50) accordingly. The emphasis is on developing new housing typologies, related to the three themes as mentioned above. The buildings will be presented in their cohesion as an ensemble and in detail (scale 1: 20 and 1: 5).
FSI >= 1
LIVING: primarily
>dwellings for families and couples, 2-5 (bed)rooms, spacious living area, good storage facilities and private outdoor space in various segments; typologies varying from 90 to 180 m2; ground bound or similar.
LIVING: furthermore
>dwellings for singles, 2-4 (bed)rooms, spacious living area, good storage facilities and private outdoor space in middle and top segment; typologies varying from 60 to 100 m2; both ground bound or similar and apartments.
>dwellings for ‘starters’ on the housing market; cheaper segment; typologies varying from 40 to 60 m2; apartments only.
LIVING and WORKING: along the highway (profile location / ‘zichtlocatie’)
>working premises / commercial space; flexible units, proper accessibility; preferably combined with dwelling area
Car park facilities and ratios
>ground bound dwellings: 1.1 pp / dwelling + 0,3 pp visitors
>apartments <70m2: 1.0 pp / dwelling + 0,3 pp visitors
LIVING and GREEN: public space and landscape in a sustainable neighbourhood
The INTERMEDIATE SPACE between the blocks is a key feature of our assignment. The transition public > collective > private and vice versa demands thorough studies and special care throughout the semester!
It is our intention to exhibit the results in the RO/EZ of Groningen in collaboration with the municipality of Groningen shortly after the final presentations in January 2011, along with the results of studio SML, spring 2010.
Design brief
Groningen is the capital city of the province of Groningen in the Netherlands. With a population of 185.000, it is by far the largest city in the north of the Netherlands. Groningen is a university city, inhabited on average by about 50.000 students.
The site is thematically related to the thirty locations chosen for the manifestation “Intense Low Rise”, which took place in 2009.
‘Design houses with their own exterior area by means of which we can make the best possible use of unexploited locations in the city.’ That was the assignment, stunningly concise, that the Municipality of Groningen issued for the Intense Low Rise manifestation.
It had to concentrate on low rise and each house had to have its own exterior space, such as a garden, roof garden or a loggia, an exterior space in the apartment itself. The houses had to have an entrance at ground level or at a higher surface level if appropriate. In this context, one can think of a new apartment above an existing house. Whatever the case, the available ground had to be used smartly and sparingly. At ground level, space could be used for working at home if required. The municipality did not impose a maximum on the number of storeys.
Houses with their own exterior area, yet an intensive use of the ground: the city requested intense low rise. Low rise was chosen because a house with a garden or another exterior area is a much-desired residential form, also in the city of Groningen. And it had to be ‘intense’ because Groningen wishes to remain a compact city. The scarce space in the city must be consumed as efficient as possible. Only in this way, the city can remain lively and attractive, and Groningen will not have to build so many houses on the city periphery.
After the Intense City presentation (2004), Groningen again manifests itself with INTENSE LAAGBOUW (Intense Low Rise), initiated in May 2008, as a principal who wishes to stimulate thought and idea-forming on the densification of the city. Groningen wishes to make intensive and sustainable use of its limited amount of space. Accordingly, the assignment to the architects, property developers and housing associations was: research whether or not we in Groningen can develop new kinds of typically urban ground-oriented houses, houses whose storeys connect to ground level, with an entrance at street level or at a higher surface level if appropriate, with their own exterior space.
Groningen wishes to become the most sustainable city in the Netherlands. Intense low rise can contribute to this, by using sustainable materials and by designing energy-saving houses. Moreover, compact construction in the existing city can contribute to a reduction in car traffic.Historical examples
Intense Low Rise is thus part of a tradition. The fifty designs demonstrate how Groningen can renew its own tradition. All these projects can be found in the following book:
“Intense Laagbouw | Woningbouw in hoge dichtheden” by Niek Verdonk, Erik Dorsman, Dick van Gameren and Paul Kuitenbrouwer
ISBN: 9 789071 903236; publisher: G.R.A.S., Groningen; available at Waltman’s Bouwshop
The “enceha 1” site for this design assignment is located west of the city centre, just inside the circular highway to the west and facing the Hoendiep directly to the north.“Enceha 2” will be developed further with the emphasis on educational buildings (extension of Augustinus College, municipal monument). A road connecting to the Suikerunie area further westbound devides enceha in two. This road will serve as a connector to the Suikerunie area and as an access road for enceha 1 and enceha 2. East of enceha we find a 1930’s neighbourhood as well as futher industrial premises facing the Hoendiep. Enceha could fill the gap between existing older housing neighbourhoods. Existing trees and ecological zone are to be incorporated in your proposal. All premises towards the highway are protected by an existing sound barrier, 8m tall. In real, furthermore up to 60m, the facades facing the highway or due to be ‘deaf’ facades. In case the sound barrier is taken away, the entire façade is due to become a deaf facade. However, in the case of our design assignment, we can consider the highway traffic noise reduced by means of a covering feature, which means we consider the conditions for housing facing the highway normal. An existing villa (a state monument) and an electricity subdistribution station are to be incorparated in your design proposal.
High accent
Although the aim of this manifestation is to achieve a low and dense community, the municipality allows a higher accent in the building mass in order to maximize the amount of dwellings, so in our case we develop a Intense High Dense area instead of Intense Low rise.

Pierijn van der Putt
mail P.S.VanderPutt@tudelft.nl
tel +31 [0] 6 39251439
Paul Kuitenbrouwer (studio coördinator)
schedule mon, thu 13h45-17h45
mail P.A.M.Kuitenbrouwer@tudelft.nl
web www.bk.tudelft.nl
tel +31 [0] 6 1414 2852
Laura Alvarez
schedule mon, thu 13h45-17h45
mail office@lauraalvarez.eu
web www.lauraalvarez.eu
tel +31 [0] 6 1529 8655
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