dinsdag 14 september 2010

WEEK 02 Excursion

From left to right; Theo, Mariska, Nicola, Floris, Rolf, Oscar, Klaas, Eva, Elisabeth, Maarten, Marten, Gillian, Fabio, Maria, Rosa, Doris
From left to right: Wieland, Edwin, Laura, Gillian, Iris and Kapo on the site

dinsdag 7 september 2010

WEEK 2: Excursion

thursday  09 september 2010

12:15 Gather in CS Groningen
12:30 Dienst RO/EZ Gemeente Groningen: Pick up bicycles.
12:45 Visit city centre: Projects
Home Built Zuiderdiep [Gedempte Zuiderdiep 132] example
The Lighthouses [Rabenhauptstraat 25] example   
14:00 Visit Site
16:00 Visit Oosterpoort and de Linie

3 models missing

I missed models of the following groups... ( I forgot to take pictures...) Please upload them on the same post!
-Oscar, Rick & Rosa (upload it +most representative sketch)
-Elisabeth, Mathijs & Michiel
-Floris, Nicola, Rolf

WEEK 2: Massa studies of the site, first impressions

Rosa, Oscar, Rick
Cigdem, Joep, Marten

Klaas, Maria, Roel

Eva, Maarten, Tim

Gillian, Iris, Wieland

Edwin, Laura, Nienke

Fabian, Marieke, Mariska

Elisabeth, Mathijs, Michiel

Examples past editions SML [models]

Eva Kjolsoy, John Stuyts, Mari Riise
Christine Sohar, Alexandre Moser, Karin Snoep
Fabian Thillmann, Lodewijk van der Veen, Olivier Arditi
Andrew Ballantine, Jordi Wenselaar, Lai Fun Luk
Steffen Esslink, Frank Morel, Felix Wang
Yannick Boidin, Dirk de Groot, Lotte Braak
Steffen Esslink, Frank Morel, Felix Wang

vrijdag 3 september 2010

Site Analysis Slides

Please create a google doc of your group's site analysis slides and post the link here.

SML group has been created on blackboard, so we can use that for file exchange now! -Tim

HISTORY: click here for history files
GREEN:   Click Here For the Slides
MASS & VOID: on file exchange blackboard

donderdag 2 september 2010

Examples past SML editions [Eva Akervoll Kjølsøy - John Stuyts - Mari Stallvik Riise]

Eva Akervoll Kjølsøy - John Stuyts - Mari Stallvik Riise [urban scheme, SML 2009]

Eva Akervoll Kjølsøy - John Stuyts - Mari Stallvik Riise [Floorplan 1:100 types S-M, SML 2009]
Eva Akervoll Kjølsøy - John Stuyts - Mari Stallvik Riise [Model 1:500, SML 2009]
Eva Akervoll Kjølsøy - John Stuyts - Mari Stallvik Riise [Details 1:20, 1:10, SML 2009]

Eva Akervoll Kjølsøy - John Stuyts - Mari Stallvik Riise [Model 1:100, SML 2009]

New bibliography added!!

>click here to see the whole list

woensdag 1 september 2010

MSC 1/2 studio SML: Groups list

MSC 1/2 studio SML: Groups list: "Group 01 Rosa Bandeirinha 4099699 0644620966 Rick Zwerver 1240900 0627412644 Oscar de Blanken 1346962 0619844752 Group 02 Elisabeth d..."

DAY 03 | Site Analysis

In order to be efficient we decided to divide the tasks ourselves.
We considered 5 topics to be analysed. Two groups will work on each topic.
Meet with other group to split work load!
All the presentations shoud be projected on the beamer. Please upload them all on one computer to be able to start on time. After the presentations, please upload them on blackboard [as soon as it is on air, Thursday afternoon]
IMPORTANT: The analysis is not only about our site but also about the city of Groningen

Themes and groups

1.Infrastructure [group 05, group 07]
Traffic (public transportation, pedestrians, walking distances, cars, bikes, ...)
Access roads

2. Mass and void, comparision with other cities [group 09, group 08]
2a.Draw a Nolli plan of the site/city  [black and white] to have a better understending of what is void and what is mass.
Compare it with other cities also with Nolli plans of them on the same scale with the emphasis on public space [squares, avenues,etc]; mount these appropriate selected public spaces on our site plan.

Useful information about this you could find in the following book. Note that all plans have been drawn on the same scale which is a great instrument to use!
"To Scale"
Edited by Eric J.Jenkins

2b. Compare sections of our site/city and the other cities selected for the previous comparison.

Useful information about this you could find in the following book:
"The urban housing handbook"
Edited by Eric Firley

3. Green [group 02, group 03]
Green, water, geo-morphology, climate, orientation, natural resources

4. History [group 01, group 04]
History of the site/city

5. Functions and users [group 06, group 10]
Public functions, facilities, living, working, ....
Demography, prognose inhabitants, dwelling needs,...

See you tomorrow thursday 2 september at 16:00 in the studio!